Art and Activism

Talk: Art and Activism - Feminist School

Harun Morrison and Anne Lise Le Gac (UK/FR)

Listaháskóli Íslands. Laugarnesvegur 91, 105 Reykjavík / Black Box
Miðvikudaginn 15. nóvember - 10:45-12:00
Opið öllum, engin skráning

Aðgengi: Í Listaháskólanun er hjólastólaaðgengi og aðgengileg klósett. 

Talk: Art and Activism - Feminist School

Listamennirnir Harun Morrison og Anne Lise Le Gac veita innsýn inn listsköpun sína og samband þeirra við aktivisma. Viðburðurinn fer fram sem afslappað spjall við áhorfendur og er ætlað að kanna tengslin á milli starfs samtímalistamannsins og félagslegrar ábyrgðar. Anne Lise Le Gac og Harun Morrison eru bæði APAP listamenn og þátttakendur í Feminist Futures verkefninu sem er styrkt af Creative Europe.

Viðburðinn er samstarf Reykjavík Dance Festival og Listaháskóla Íslands.

Um listamennina
Anne Lise Le Gac
stundaði nám við myndlistarskólann í Strassborg frá 2003 til 2008, með áherslu á gjörningalist. Hún lauk gjörningameistaranámi „ESSAIS“ við CNDC Angers árið 2013. Árið 2014 vann hún með danshöfundinum Claudia Triozzi. Anne Lise Le Gac hefur skapað einleikinn La Caresse du Coma og samstarfsverkefnið, GRAND MAL, með Élie Ortis, se þau sýndu á Les Urbaines hátíðinni (Lausanne) og á Festival Parallèle (Marseille). Síðan 2015 hefur hún verið meðskipuleggjandi gjörningahátíðarinnar OKAY CONFIANCE sem nýlega var haldin í La Ferme du Buisson (París). Í maí 2019 kynnir hún nýtt gjörningaverkefni DUCTUS MIDI í samvinnu við listamanninn og tónlistarmanninn Arthur Chambry á Kunstenfestivaldesarts í Brussel. Hún lauk nýlega sköpun á verkinu La Caresse du Coma ft. YOLO í samvinnu við tónlistarmanninn Loto Retina.

Harun Morrison er listamaður og rithöfundur sem býr á húsbáti á skipaskurðum Bretlands. Listsköpun hans spannar rýmishönnun, texta, vídeó og hljóð. Hann er nú listamaður hjá Greenpeace UK en starfaði áður við hönnun og rannsóknir hjá V&A Dundee í Skotlandi.

Harun tók nýlega þátt í samsýningunni Chronic Hunger, Chronic Desire í Timișoara í Rúmeníu á vegum Menningarborgar Evrópu 2023. Af einkasýningum á síðustu árum má nefna Dolphin Head Mountain í Horniman Museum, London (2022-23), Mark The Spark í Nieuwe Vide í Haarlem, Hollandi (2022) og Experiments with Everyday Objects, Eastside Projects, Birmingham (2021). Harun vinnur að því að hanna og standsetja garð fyrir geðheilsuþjónustuna Mind Sheffield á vegum Arts Catalyst-rannsóknarverkefnisins Emergent Ecologies og þróar einnig verkefnið Environmental Justice Questions.

Harun Morrison and Anne Lise Le Gac (UK/FR)

The Iceland University of the Arts. Lauganesvegur 91, 105 Reykjavík / Black Box
Wednesday the 15th November - 10:45-12:00
Open to all, no registration

Accessibility: The Iceland University of the Arts has wheelchair access and accessible toilets.

Talk: Art and Activism - Feminist School

Artists Harun Morrison and Anne Lise Le Gac provide insight into their art practice and their connection to activism. The event takes place as a casual conversation with the audience and is intended to explore the relationship between the work of contemporary artists and social responsibility. Anne Lise Le Gac and Harun Morrison are both APAP artists and participants in the Feminist Futures project which is supported by Creative Europe.

This event is a collaboration between Reykjavík Dance Festival and The Iceland University of the Arts.

About the artists
Anne Lise Le Gac
studied at the Fine Arts School in Strasbourg from 2003 to 2008, focusing on performance art. She completed a performance master programme "ESSAIS" at CNDC Angers in 2013. In 2014, she worked with choreographer Claudia Triozzi. Anne Lise Le Gac has created a solo piece La Caresse du Coma and a collaborative performance project, GRAND MAL, with Élie Ortis, which they presented at the Les Urbaines festival (Lausanne), at Festival Parallèle (Marseille). Since 2015, she has been co-organising the performance festival OKAY CONFIANCE that was recently held at La Ferme du Buisson (Paris). In May 2019, she presents a new performance project DUCTUS MIDIin collaboration with the artist and musician Arthur Chambry at the Kunstenfestivaldesarts in Brussels. She recently finished her new creation La Caresse du Coma ft. YOLO in collaboration with the musician Loto Retina.

Harun Morrison is an artist and writer living on a narrowboat on the UK inland waterways. His practice spans spatial design, text, video and sound. He is currently  an associate artist with Greenpeace UK and former Designer and Researcher in Residence at V&A Dundee, Scotland. 

Harun has recently contributed to the group exhibition Chronic Hunger, Chronic Desire in Timișoara, Romania, as part of the European Capital of Culture 2023 programme. Solo exhibitions in the last few years include, Dolphin Head Mountain at the Horniman Museum, London (2022 -23), Mark The Spark at Nieuwe Vide project space in Haarlem, Netherlands (2022) and Experiments with Everyday Objects, Eastside Projects, Birmingham, (2021). Harun continues to develop and repair a garden for Mind Sheffield, a mental health support service, as part of the Arts Catalyst research project, Emergent Ecologies, and is producing an evolving publication, Environmental Justice Questions.